Friday, August 28, 2009
Duh, where'd it go???
I could hear Alli and could tell she was getting frustrated. When I checked on her, this is what I found-her binky was stuck on her nose and she was using her tongue and trying with all her might to get it back in her mouth. I had a good laugh with this one!
3 Months
3 Month Milestones:
*Rolls over both ways
*Laughing more
*Reaches for toys
* Grasps toys
*Talks, talks, talks
*Can pull herself to standing when you hold her hands
Alli turned 3 motnhs a week ago (yes I am a little behind). These last 3 months have flown by! Alli loves her daddy and whenever she hears his voice, she looks around until she finds him. I love how she smiles at me and so far, I am the only one who can make her laugh. Love it!
Talking Alli
Fair Week and the Parade
Julie and I
Special Delivery
Alli received a special package in the mail. It was even addressed to her! My Aunt Karen that lives in California makes these dolls for all of her Great Nieces. Thanks Aunt Karen!!
2 Months
Holy Smokes!!! 2 whole months already! We love having Alli in our lives and can't believe how fast she is growing.
2 Month Milestones:
*Holding head up
*Pushing up on arms
*Rolling Over
*First set of shots :(
2 Month Well Baby Check:
* Wt. 10 lbs 13 oz. 50%
*Ht. 22 1/4 in. 50%
*Head 39 cm. 75%
1 Month Well Baby Check:
*Wt. 9 lbs. 2 oz. 50%
*Ht. 20 1/4 in. 25%
*Head 38 cm. 75%
(Yup,she is short and she has a big head)
Alli is being lazy in this video-she got tired of holding her head up
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